As a major cultivator, and producer of olive fruits for olive oil extraction in Greece, OLIVIAN GROVES is following all acknowledged Good Agricultural Practices in its own olive groves in Argolida and Messinia of the Peloponnese.
The Global Gap certification means promoting and assuring product quality, product safety, traceability, responsibility, optimum farm management, health safety and environment management.
Having been assessed that it complies with all relevant requirements of “GLOBALG.A.P. ® CPCC IFA v5.2” a globally recognized integrated farm assurance program, translating consumer requirements into Good Agricultural Practice, is now being certified accordingly by Eurocert. In this way, OLIVIAN GROVES’s competitive advantage is highlighted, being that it produces and fully controls the primary raw material of its products, the most important part in assuring the delivery of premium quality olive oils to its consumers.